It is that time of year when "Back to School" is on every parents mind. The relaxing days of summer are beginning to wane and the urge to organize our closets, backpacks and lunch pails is growing stronger.
For our family, we have some "New Songs" opening up this year. We have gone to a homeschool PSP (previously known as an ISP) co-op once a week (where I also teach to defray some of the costs). This year, out of sheer craziness and lots of prayer to temper such craziness, I have decided we definitely need to add a co-op one more day a week. This one is not the PSP/ISP type. Rather, it is a smaller, mom led actual cooperative where we all teach once a month or so. Each of the children will have Science, History and Spanish. I couldn't resist. Plus, I had heard that there were some amazing families involved.
That leaves me only 3 days a week to school the kids. Now, of course, they will be doing all sorts of good learning and socializing the other two days, but I have some skillz I want to make sure to hit with my kindergartener and my first grader. Like reading and writing. So I am going to have to put a little thought into this.
And into packing lunches. Thought into the lunches. Yes. Hmmm. Organize the closets. Yes, figure out the clothes situation. Find matching shoes. Clean out the car.
I must go now. Before I get my unorganized summer self prematurely into Back to School mode.
"Sing to Him a new song; play skillfully and shout for joy." Psalm 33:3
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